Oblate Laity


Sodalicium Laicale Iosephinum Marellianum

The Oblates of St. Joseph are blessed to work together with so many lay men and women who have also discovered a great love for the spiritual heritage given to the Church through St. Joseph and St. Joseph Marello. 

These lay men and women have organized themselves under the title Sodalicium Laicale Iosephinum Marellianum, a Latin title which is translated to English as the Sodality of Josephite-Marellian Laity. Sodalicium Laicale Iosephinum Marellianum is abbreviated to SLIM. 

Members of SLIM

  • Are convinced Catholic Christians faithful to the teachings of the Church
  • Strive to serve God in imitation of St. Joseph
  • Adopt as their own the particular spirituality of Blessed Joseph Marello
  • Though not professed Oblates or aspirants, form part of the extended spiritual and apostolic family of the Oblates of St. Joseph
  • Participate in an official Rite of Enrollment and have received the medal of St. Joseph that has been designated as the official insignia for the members of SLIM


Persons become members for the following ends:

  • The glory of God and their own personal sanctification through the living of Josephite-Marellian spirituality.
  • Collaboration with and support of the apostolate of the Oblates of St. Joseph by direct involvement and/or by contribution of time and resources.
  • Promotion of devotion to St. Joseph and to Saint Joseph Marello.
  • Promotion of the Oblate vocations of priest and brother.


Sandra Lopez